ALF Tales
ALF Tales is an animated American series that ran on the NBC television network on Saturdays from August 1988 to December 1989. The show was a spinoff from the series ALF: The Animated Series. The show had characters from that series play various characters from fairy tales. The fairy tale was usually altered for comedic effect in a manner relational to Fractured Fairy Tales.
Each story also typically spoofed a film genre, such as the "Cinderella" episode done as an Elvis movie. Some episodes featured a "fourth wall" effect where ALF is backstage preparing for the episode, and Rob Cowan would appear drawn as a TV executive (who introduced himself as "Roger Cowan, network executive") to try to brief ALF on how to improve this episode. For instance Cowan once told ALF who was readying for a medieval themed episode that "less than 2% of our audience lives in the Dark Ages".
- Paul Fusco - ALF (Gordon Shumway) (voice)
- Tabitha St. Germain (as Paulina Gillis[1]) - Augie/Rhonda (voice)
- Peggy Mahon - Flo (voice)
- Thick Wilson - Larson Petty/Bob (voice)
- Dan Hennessey - Sloop (voice)
- Rob Cowan (II) - Skip (voice)
- Ellen-Ray Hennessy - Stella the Waitress (voice)
- Noam Zylberman - Curtis (1988) (voice)
- Michael Fantini - Curtis (1989) (voice)
- Don Francks - Additional Voices (voice)
- Marvin Goldhar - Additional Voices (voice)
- Greg Swanson - Additional Voices (voice)
- Debra Theraker - Additional Voices (voice)
- Michael Lamport - Additional Voices (voice)
- Harvey Atkin - Additional Voices (voice)
- Greg Morton - Additional Voices (voice)
- Stephen Ouimette - Additional Voices (voice)
- Andrew Sabiston - Additional Voices (voice)
- John Stocker - Additional Voices (voice)
- Stuart Stone - Additional Voices (voice)
- Chris Wiggins - Additional Voices (voice)
- Marilyn Lightstone - Additional Voices (voice)
- Richard Yearwood - Additional Voices (voice)
- Eva Almos - Additional Voices (voice)
- Jayne Eastwood - Additional Voices (voice)
- Marla Lukofsky - Additional Voices (voice)
- Nick Nichols - Additional Voices (voice)
- Linda Sorensen - Additional Voices (voice)
- Don McManus - Additional Voices (voice)
- Hadley Kay - Additional Voices (voice)
- Robert Bockstael - Additional Voices (voice)
- Luba Goy - Additional Voices (voice)
- Jeff McGibbon - Additional Voices (voice)
- Colin Fox - Additional Voices (voice)
- Terri Hawkes - Additional Voices (voice)
- Michael Longstaff - Additional Voices (voice)
- Keith Knight - Additional Voices (voice)
- John Koensgen - Additional Voices (voice)
- Ron Rubin - Additional Voices (voice)
- Peter Keleghan - Additional Voices (voice)
- Len Carlson - Additional Voices (voice)
- Alyson Court - Additional Voices (voice)
- Darrin Baker - Additional Voices (voice)
- Catherine Gallant - Additional Voices (voice)
- Marlow Vella - Additional Voices (voice)
- Robin Hood - 9/10/88
- Sleeping Beauty - 9/17/88
- Cinderella - 9/24/88
- Legend of Sleepy Hollow - 10/01/88
- Jack and the Beanstalk - 10/8/88
- The Aladdin Brothers - 10/15/88
- Rapunzel - 10/29/88
- Rumplestilskin - 11/12/88
- The Princess and the Pea - 11/19/88
- John Henry - 12/3/88
- The Three Little Piggs - 12/10/88
- Alice in Wonderland - 12/17/88
- Peter Pan - 1/7/89
- Hansel and Gretel - 9/16/89
- The Wizard of Oz - 9/23/89
- The Elves and the Shoemaker - 9/30/89
- The Emperor's New Clothes - 10/14/89
- Goldie Locks and the Three Bears - 10/28/89
- Little Red Riding Hood - 11/11/89
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - 12/2/89
- King Midas - 12/9/89
DVD release
The first seven episodes were released on DVD on May 30, 2006 in Region 1 from Lions Gate Home Entertainment in a single-disc release entitled ALF and The Beanstalk and Other Classic Fairy Tales.
See also
External links
First-run animated series |
First-run live-action series |
Rebroadcasts |
Schedules |
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